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October 8, 2023 | 1-4pm | Silverwood Park, Edgerton, WI | $45


One walk left in this series! Pat Armstrong will again be our guest instructor for this walk. Combined, Linda and Pat have 90 years of experience foraging for wild plants!


We will walk through the fields and trails at Silverwood Park in Edgerton, WI. This 200-acre regenerative property is a great place to see several ecosystems and many plants that can be applied for food and medicine. During these walks, 30-year veteran herbalist/forager Linda Conroy will be our lead guide. We will learn to identify plants of the season as well as best harvesting practices and ways to prepare them for food and medicine. We will talk about plants and trees, and if we find them, mushrooms. These walks are informative and fun. If you have a hand lens bring it along. We will have some for you to borrow if you do not have one.


Note: Please use code: REGISTRATION at checkout to remove shipping fees. 

Wild Food/Wild Medicine Seasonal Foraging Tours at Silverwood Park

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